Sustainable Travel Signage - East Lothian Council

RBGE Advanced Certificate in Botanical Illustration

GO e-Bike - East Lothian Council

Centenary Identity & Artwork - RSCDS

"Knit Meet Create" Prospectus - Knitting For All

Renewable Energy Brochures - Community Energy Scotland

Scottish Learning Festival - RSCDS

Wild Flower Illustrations - Scottish Wildlife Trust

The Autumn Gathering - RSCDS

Archive Book Design - RSCDS

UI Design for iOS Gift Giving App - Wisher

The Gateway Flyer - Fife Gingerbread

Artwork, Patterns & Photography - Cycling Souvenirs

Digital First Aid Manuals - First Aid Training Co-op

Annual Review 2016 - 17 - Community Energy Scotland

Descriptor Icons & App UI - Wisher

Photography, Edinburgh Yarn Festival - Knitting For All

Zine Design, on Eating Disorders - Hanna Magazine